Third Party Coverage: Do I need it?

Another crash due to a third-party event has caused many small businesses to take a deeper look at what type of insurance coverage would assist in the event this affected their ability to keep the doors open.

Let’s take a look at exactly what this may mean for your business.

The CrowdStrike incident was not a ransomware or other malicious attack. It was simply an update that ended up causing computer systems worldwide to crash. This interrupted airlines, banks, hotels, hospitals, gas stations and many more. Some insurance carriers do offer coverage for when you have an outage that is due to a third-party incident that is essential to your operations. The CrowdStrike incident was one of the worst tech disruptions in history and an example of just how overreaching this can be.

Business interruption insurance only replaces income lost as a result of a disaster that directly impacts your company whereas contingent business interruption insurance replaces lost income when a company is forced to close due to a disaster impacting a third-party vendor or supplier.  For example, if a business relies on a specific manufacturing company to supply a part for equipment they service, and that company warehouse has a fire that puts them out of business then contingent business interruption insurance would be the policy that would cover this situation.

If a vendor or third-party that you rely on for your business experiences a cyber-attack it can affect your ability to continue your business. It can affect your income. This is where third party, cyber liability is necessary to recover your loss of income.  A careful review of your insurance coverage can reveal any areas you may need to fortify to ensure you are covered for this unfortunate circumstance. 

Clockwork Insurance agents can review your current policies and report exactly what coverages you have and what coverages you may want to consider adding to your portfolio.

Call us at 503-262-8240 or email us at for more information.